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Submitted by Editor on

They're back.

Like Nazca Lines in the deserts of South Peru, crop circles in Borsetshire, or the embarrassing fungal infection you thought you'd got rid of using a proprietary brand but clearly haven't, pavement mysteries have reappeared outside Artisan Roast on Broughton Street.

Whether they continue as minimalist black and white whorls, or gradually fill with a vaguely Canadian rainbow of colours, remains to be seen. We will observe with interest.

Last year we reported how Council spoilsports demanded the removal of art du trottoir in almost exactly the same spot (Breaking news, 6.8.13). The artist Victor Fraser on that occasionally reluctantly power-sprayed his work away, and its last traces had almost disappeared when suddenly this new set sprang up like a fairy ring without warning over the last day or so.

Do the latest patterns derive from the same source as last year? Or have they been drawn to this corner of Broughton by a powerful Earth force? Are they perhaps part of a sinister plot to destabilise the UNESCO World Heritage Site? Or is their application here by human hand simply an extraordinary coincidence? We are utterly baffled, obviously.

Any and all explanations are most welcome.


 Ella Taylor-Smith I saw an artist painting them on the street the other day. Young guy. Earthling.

 Raymond Anderson I wonder what aliens think of an independent scotland could swing the vote!