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Spurtle staff were too busy to attend the royal wedding today, but we did follow it off and on through Twitter.

Below is the (edited) pick of the tweets, a few containing strong views, sometimes fruitily expressed, which a few readers may feel are not strong enough.


Iain McGill:
On route to Festival Square to watch the wedding - finally something worth watching on it!

Josie Long: Can Anyone tell me what proportion of the land in the uk is owned by people currently at the wedding?

bonaldi: Weeks of "och, I don't care a jot", now it's suddenly all "LET ME SEE THE DRESS"

SurrealScoop: Mum of Bride looking good, but Clergymen have better frocks.

SnortMcGulp: Im on ma 9th Carlsberg...wait..naw its McEewans.....Feck..its a cup of tea.....Feckin rehab already

JFDerry: My entire tax contribution just arrived at Westminster Abbey.

cdundas: Earl of Strathearn? I was hoping for Duke of Fife.

Shionamc: Trying to guess the colour of the bridesmaids dresses

TheGiantTeacup: Queenster's in yellow. APPROVAL. And that brooch is awesome.

redshira: This wedding would be better if a big group busted some Bollywood moves in the middle of the floor.

clalavelle: Kate looks stunning!

Love the lace, love the sleeves, Kate looks beautiful. Can't wait to see her get out the car.

IanMcGill: Pimms, cucumber sandwiches & union jacks in evidence at Festival Square, Edinburgh – good crowd

JFDerry: Oscillating between revulsion and nausea, signing off 'til this all blows over / through / up. I'm not too particular which.

janehamilton22: Omg look at the breast part of her

IanMcGill: "God save the Queen!" God save the Queen.

antibarbie: KT: has Harry got a hangover? He seriously looks like he's going to hurl!



IanMcGill: I can confirm that neither Tony Blair nor Gordon Brown are watching in Festival Square, Edinburgh.

oliverthring: Rowan Williams doing a typically splendid impersonation of a Welsh sheep.

shionmc: Can't help the tears as we watch the RoyalWedding wow what an atmosphere as they start the ceremony.


RichardWiseman: Why is William dressed as one of the Thunderbirds?

SurrealScoop: Big day for bachelors we all step up one rung on "most eligible' list. Oh, I've just found a pizza slice in my bed.

RichardWiseman: Does the wedding programme say 'next, a series of increasingly mad people address the couple'?

IainMcGill: Union Jack Pimms! Classic!

Ah. Jerusalem. Usually means teams are about to take the field.

AdamRamsay: So, they're singing Jerusalem. I thought they didn't like anarchists?

IainMcGill: applause, cheers & flag waving as they are announced man and wife

TheGiantTeacup: Sort of wishing they would walk out to the Star Wars theme ... Would be awesome

Oh crap, I've missed most of it. The Royal Wedding BarBQ I'm going to starts at 3.30 so assumed ... Watching the national anthem in Jimjams.

herbchampman34: What girl doesn't grow up with romantic dreams of singing the national anthem at her wedding?

Queen_UK: Mrs Cameron and Mrs Clegg look a bit uncomfortable. But then their husbands are holding hands.

Iain McGill: Belted out God Save the Queen up Festival Square waving Union Jacks - Crabbies giving out free drinks!

johnnhari101: There are so many reasons to be #poudtobebritish - from Magna Carta to the NHS. Having a hereditary head of state isn't one of them

TimMontgomerie: No competition for most ridiculous hat of Royal Wedding award ... Princess Beatrice.

ewanmcintosh: Royalwedding a good ol' show: beautiful bride, dashing princes, SUPER music well played, soldiers in finest, whitegloved police, a day off

shionamc: Kate & Wills just look so happy & so are we - bacon rolls & cupcakes!

JFDerry: After all this, William is soooooo getting some tonight.

feral_pigeon: poo on the happy couple

Poor Prince William is losing his fur. Is it something to do with the name 'William'?

Aggerscricket: Our country does this so well.

James_mcquillan: Beatrice and Eugenie look like they should be at a big fat gypsy wedding. They're gonna get grabbed tonight for sure.


auntyemily: @wildedinburgh freaky but brilliant! Great photos. Coots look so funny out of the water - the way they walk lifting their crazy clown feet

clalavelle: I love you Fearne Cotton:)

OsamaSaeed: An unelected ruling family has brought the people of Britain out onto the streets. The Arab Spring is spreading! Oh wait...

cdundas: I must say that @Fearnecotton is very much a Richard Dimbleby for our time. Perhaps she will start a dynasty of BBC icons.

periwinklewine: I'm loving the spelling mistakes in subtitles for royal wedding. Licking our wombs??!

dOSssDaz: Is it over yet? Not had TV, Radio, Internet, phone on all morning. Best of luck to them both, but a load of expensive irrelevant wank to me

CanoeNouvelles: Dans quelques secondes, le prince et Kate se donneront le baiser du balcon.

periwinklewine: RT@themanwhofell: Ready the Lancasters! Let the ceremonial bombing of Hoxton begin.

thistlejohn: Who is this Pippa everyone keeps talking about? I once knew a Pippa. 5-alarm stunner, she was. Not royal though

periwinklewine:  TWO KISSES?! BAN THIS SICK FILTH!

carlmaxim: The Queen's had enough. She's off to watch the snooker.



'Kate was beautiful, right up there with Cheryl Cole' said a supporter.

SnortMcGulp: Whit was aww that music in the church ... Mas heid was killin me .... I must say I never heard the rustle of a Greggs paper bag ..Im surprised

DowningStCat: Finally out of the cloakroom. Two of the guests came in and started grooming each other. Seemed surprised to see me.


EdinburghTrams: On Evening News speculation-no decision has been taken to stop route at Haymarket, nor regarding number of trams required.

STVEdinNorth: Pensioners soak up the pomp and ceremony in Leith with bubbles and a ceramic Corgi.

Prince Charles having angry words with someone serving drinks. What's a "cash bar"?

IainMcGill: Street parties & bunting in Edinburgh make me #ProudToBeBritish #Proudtohaveamonarchy #RoyalWedding

thistlejohn: I am so back in Edinburgh. Half the people I've encountered so far been drunk.



DowningStCat: Tell you what *hic* these corgis can move *hic*. You should see them freestyling to 'Aggado'.