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Submitted by Editor on

Traffic congestion along Leith Walk appears to be getting worse, even before Leith Street is closed for its underground upgrade.

A reader contacted Spurtle yesterday to report problems on Haddington Place, where:

… the pavement is being made very narrow by the number of workmen’s vans parked outside the new Costa café. Those silly men are being more and more ridiculously brave with their parking on this pavement, knowing perfectly well that no traffic warden will come round to give them tickets for these offences.

Leith Walk has already been extremely difficult to manoeuvre for both pedestrians and drivers due to the extensive road works taking place here, particularly at the McDonald Road junction. To further harass us pedestrians by placing three vans in our way is totally unacceptable.

The lack of any traffic wardens along the top part of Leith Walk while the work is being carried out is understandable, but to allow such violations on the PAVEMENT is downright irresponsible. Pedestrians deserve pavements free from these vans to walk on, and the presence of traffic wardens around here is necessary to make sure these areas are kept free.

The photos shown above were taken between 11.15am and 6.15pm yesterday.

Meanwhile, another reader has sent us this image, showing southbound gridlock at Picardy Place.

The omens are not good. We await September with trepidation.

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Email from Mike Powell: I took this at 15:10 on 27 June.