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Campaigners concerned about the future preservation of Inverleith Park have put out an urgent appeal to the public.

They want as many people as possible to comment on the 'Main Issues Report' of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan by 27 January, demanding a change to the legal status of the depot site which City of Edinburgh Council last year tried to sell off as housing.

Campaigners advise that comments should be headed as follows: 'Edinburgh Local Development Plan, Main Issues Report – Open Space Strategy (Paragraph 9.15)'.

They then suggest asking for the depot's designation to be changed back to open space as part of Inverleith Park in the new Plan.

They recommend that submissions should also argue for preserving this as a green / open space which is not developed for other uses, and that explicit policies should be set in place to protect it. The environmental benefits of such a move, they say, should be included in the revised Environmental Report.

Using your own words, not copying these suggestions verbatim, is important so that no-one can question their authenticity.

Pam Barnes, one of those behind the Save Inverleith Park Campaign, says the group has already sent its own official letter to the Planning Department, but for the message to be most effective 'we need as many people as possible to do the same'.

There are several ways readers can make contact with the relevant officers:


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