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Parents, carers and friends of Broughton Primary School will meet this evening to discuss the controversial residential development immediately adjacent to the main playground. 

Readers will recall the parent-led campaign to oppose development of 154 McDonald Road, and how that campaign was eventually lost on appeal in March 2014 (Breaking news 6.11.1326.3.14 ). 

Kingsford Estates’ conversion of the property is now complete, and 74 flats (accommodating up to 350 people) will be available for rent soon. The school community now hopes to forge a constructive new relationship based on clear mutual understanding.


Subjects for discussion will include:

  • the developer’s switch in emphasis from use of public transport, cycling, city car club use (in initial Design Statement) to the 'plentiful' parking (in promotional material for lets) 
  • potential vetting of tenants and code of conduct
  • potential conflicts between residential amenity and children’s right to play noisily in the playground till 9pm
  • questions about shift from flats-to-buy to flats-to-rent, about affordable housing, Festival lets and party flats
  • overlooking from flats to school and vice-versa (and obscured playground-facing windows suggested by developer at 2013 Development Management Subcommittee hearing)
  • likely efficacy (or not) of Kingsford’s day-to-day operational management
  • possible compensation to the school for disruption caused during redevelopment overrun.

The meeting will be chaired by local resident and former Edinburgh North and Leith MSP Malcolm Chisholm. Three representatives of Kingsford Estates are expected to answer questions. Councillors Marion Donaldson, Susan Rae and Ben Macpherson MSP have said they will attend, as will members of both local community councils.

Doors to the school gym open at 7pm, meeting starts at 7.15pm. Agenda at foot of this page.