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Readers who enjoyed the recent series of BBC Two’s Springwatch: Scottish Adventure will be pleased to learn there is an abundance of natural wonders right here on their doorstep.

Edinburghers need no longer be overawed by the grandeur of Glen Feshie and the towering Cairngorms. 

Nor do they have any reason to feel diminished by the lack of city-centre woodpeckers devouring tree creepers, or ring ouzels stuffing amphibians down the throats of their ravenous offspring.

For here, on one of Edinburgh’s least visited and historically grottiest backstreets, is a sight that will surely have Chris Packham choking with envy and Michaela Strachan turning somersaults in excitement.

Spurtle presents to you: A golden eagle defending her young from a giant pine marten.

This and other extraordinary scenes from nature appear on the newly restored Cowan Building in West Register Street.

The three ornately decorated walls of the 19th-century ‘Venetian-Bodleian-Gothic’ paper warehouse have been retained, cleaned and refurbished during ongoing redevelopment, and a wealth of new detail is now emerging out of the gloom.

For a brief account of the building’s fascinating history, visit our previous coverage on page 3 HERE.

[Image top-right: Garry Knight, Wikipedia, creative commons.]


NB: However, not the only city-centre mustelid: