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D.J. Tierney was surprised to find Jessica Rabbit on a recent visit to Broughton, and phoned to tell us about it.

The image – enhanced in these photos but harder to make out and not obviously oriented in reality – appears on paving stones outside the community garden on Barony Place.

It's a rather well-worked, and now well-worn, stencil design which we will gladly credit if the artist cares to come forward. Why Roger Rabbit's spouse has been sited here we don't know.

Tierney herself suggests that it may be 'an elliptical comment upon the Feminine and/or tribute to the many yummy mummies who frequent this spot'. Notwithstanding Jessica Rabbit being voted the sexiest cartoon character of all time (ahead of Betty Boop and the Cadbury's Caramel Bunny) in a dubious 2010 survey of questionable worth, somehow, we doubt it.

Less interesting and more tiresome is the overflowing state of the bin in this otherwise lovely spot (see below). If there's no room, take your rubbish away!

Spurtle has reported the problem.