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Submitted by Editor on

Many thanks to local reader John Hein, who today sent us this photograph of a sign attached to a London Road bus stop. 

As Mr Hein observes, ‘Hell hath no fury like a bus user endampened.’ 

For anyone having trouble with the image, we reproduce the text below (minus the relevant official's phone numbers). 

Scunnered at standing out here in all weathers?

Since our bus shelter was knocked down by a police vehicle over a year ago, Edinburgh Council has done nothing to replace it (though the cost should be covered by Police Scotland or their insurers) and even incorrectly told a complainer that Lothian Buses was responsible!
Most recent Council response? “We will be discussing with our contractor JCDecaux at the end of January whether this would be a location they would consider for a new, more modern, advertising shelter as this will be consistent with a number of other passenger facilities on London Road and will help generate income for the Council.”
Seems that the Council is happy to spend a fortune on their War Against Motorists but can’t be bothered to promptly replace a shelter for all the poor saps they’ve “encouraged” onto public transport instead seeing it as another way to make money.
Join us in complaining:
Alan Dean (Council Officer responsible):

Local Councillors:

Green Party – Susan Rae
Independent – Lewis Ritchie (Independent)
SNP – Amy Mcneese-Mechan
