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Developers are coming forward with plans for the huge Shrubhill gap-site off Leith Walk (see map below).

Frasers Hamilton (Shrubhill) Ltd (FHS) will hold a staffed public exhibition of proposals on 23 and 24 January 2013 from 4pm–8pm in McDonald Road Library. Exhibition material (unstaffed) will continue to be displayed for two weeks afterwards.

At present, there is no indication of what is planned beyond 'mixed use'. However, their agents – Edinburgh-based EMA Architects and Design – were established in 1998 and describe themselves as specialising in commercial mixed-use masterplans and residential development. 'We pride ourselves,' they say, 'on delivering practical and commercial solutions whilst making a positive contribution to Scotland's architecture and urban design'.

The progress of whatever is envisaged will presumably be complicated by FHS's current status: the firm has been in administration since September of this year. Its latest address is given as c/o the Glasgow office of property consultant and developer GL Hearn Ltd.

The online site Duedil states that FHS's latest financials report a bank balance of £0, liabilities worth £26,372,000, and net worth of £-23,873,000. They are owed £4,000 by trade debtors. Therefore, if any of the two directors or three shareholders are present at the exhibition, you may wish to be kind and buy them a cup of soup.


Broughton Spurtle 

New plans for Shrubhill gap-site to go on display in Jan 2013. But can developer deliver? 

 Is it not the banks not the developer calling the shots now? The new plan is to retain the planning premium not fer real...

 Suspect you're quite right. Predict Dance of the Seven Veils followed by another intermission.

