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Distribution of the printed October Spurtle (Issue 234) began this morning in the usual mixture of mist, rain and brilliant sunshine.

It's a process which covers a lot of territory, and usually throws up some interesting sights. Here are a few of the joys and oddities encountered today.

Pictured right is a wholly incomprehensible no-cats stencil decorating a bin on Dundas Street.

Just around the corner on Great King Street, a local good Samaritan seeks the owner of a lost cat found.

We're not sure why she's there, but we like this shady lady – Miska? – sprayed onto the side of the hut in Redbraes Park.

Who knows where this local street sign was snapped?

Or the location of this occasionally disagreeable alley, much in today's news?

David Bowie has somehow survived the Referendum on Drummond Place, close to his old haunts ...

whilst history of another kind is recalled in this paper plaque, rapidly peeling from St Andrew Square.

Well-rounded personalities often belong to people who have got the Work–Life balance right. We like the convoluted explanation by Circle Café of their temporary closure over the next few days.

Have you photographed anything odd, interesting or vaguely amusing in Broughton recently? If so, we'd love to see it. You can contact us at: and @theSpurtle and Broughton Spurtle