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Submitted by Editor on

I care passionately about this area and I hope to be able to make a valuable contribution to our community as your local councillor. As a local resident, I understand local problems, I use all the local services, and I know many residents through my work in the community. This area is a great place to live and work and I want to keep it that way.

I believe that my experience is very relevant to the issues we face in the City Centre. I am the director of an Edinburgh employment agency which specialises in social care, and am very involved in Edinburgh’s voluntary sector – e.g. The Yard – an adventure playground in the ward for children with additional support needs – and other projects including the Homeless World Cup.

As I’ve chatted to residents on the doorstep, many people have mentioned our waste collection, parking problems, anti-social behaviour and the trams as the issues which concern them most. I am already working closely with local traders to ensure that their businesses are not disrupted by excessive roadworks, and I am supporting many residents in their bid to see more police patrols, especially at night. Our area is unique, and I fully support the continued protection of our World Heritage City status.

I think this election is about what is best for our area and everyone who lives here. I have a proven track record of commitment to the area and would relish the opportunity to serve you, and your family, as your local councillor.

If you elect me as your local councillor, my key pledges to you are to:

  • tackle anti-social behaviour that blights the City Centre, and to work with our local police officers
  • local police officers
  • work hard for the continued protection of our World Heritage City, ensuring Edinburgh remains world-renowned
  • be a strong voice on social issues at the Council, using my professional experience to provide support and answers for local resident
  • find a long-term solution to the parking problems that many residents face.