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Spurtle encountered this extraordinary painting by young Scottish artist Leo du Feu in Bon Papillon on Friday. It's titled 'Dove and Swan' and measures 22 x 22cms.

We were instantly drawn to its ambiguous mix of hope and menace, nature and artefact, bilious yellows, sinister shadows and strangely unpeopled glade.

'Leo has just had paintings in both the Visual Arts Scotland and Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour shows,' says Bon Papillon's Ingrid Nilsson.

'He draws outside all the time, and we keep getting visits from people who have met him "on location" and been sent by him to the gallery. He's a really interesting guy – very into his birds and natural history and always ready to talk about it.'

Du Feu is currently supported by Scotrail and SYHA in an ongoing project to explore Scotland's rail-accessible landscapes, but this summer he will forego locomotive delights to spend a week in June on the Isle of May.

More from the Howe Street eatery, framers and gallery tomorrow.