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Submitted by Editor on

You can forget being fashionably late: a particular Spurtle correspondent prefers arriving on time or preferably early.

Hence, turning up today for Doggie Fun Sunday at 1.30pm on the dot, said correspondent was annoyed to find everyone else was late, including the organisers. Ten minutes' huffing and puffing and walking in circles followed. Then began the gnawing mongrel of doubt.

It is now apparent that this Spurtle bastion of punctuality was in Abercromby Place an unfashionable one-month too soon, and now apologises to any reader similarly inconvenienced by his confusing prose on Friday. The offending piece has been temporarily withdrawn.

The disgraced Spurtle correspondent is currently consoling himself with the fact that at least he is sitting right at the front of the soon-to-form queue for the Jenner's January Sale.