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Submitted by Editor on

A huge head of steam is building on the Lost Edinburgh Facebook page concerning a planning application for 1–6 Canonmills (Ref. 14.02786/FUL).  

When we last looked, over 150 people from across Edinburgh were expressing various degrees of shock and horror at development of new dwellings and shops where Earthy trades now.

Many vowed to object, and indeed the Council’s Planning Portal shows that at least 139 people have already commented in advance of tomorrow’s deadline.

However, many of those getting hot under the collar have missed the point and the boat.

The real battle for and against this development took place in 2009–10 (Ref. 09/00830/FUL), and was settled beyond any doubt last year when the scheme received final consent (Breaking news, 15.5.13). That decision cannot be overturned.

As reported here last month (Breaking news, 16.7.14), what the most recent application refers to is a change of use to allow Class 3 retail on the ground floor in addition to other uses already permitted, and permission to effect some ‘minor’ changes to already agreed elevations.

Objections at this stage to anything but these very limited changes will be irrelevant.

Whether the new development will ever be built as currently proposed is hard to say. The agents aren't talking to us. The latest application may simply be a way of increasing the property's value before selling it on at some point in the future.


 Colin Brown Irritation over a missed opporrunity four years ago. And just to make a noise about it now. Futilityb fully understood

 Calum MacDonald I've posted a link to this on the Lost Edinburgh page. Would have been more helpful having objections when it mattered!