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As you struggle to complete those all important purchases from your list of presents for family and friends, or find that knock-out number for the office bash, spare a thought and perhaps a few shekels for local hero Ian Robertson of Radio Forth's Cash for Kids, writes Scott Richards.

For months, Ian – Radio Forth's corporate fundraising manager – has been appealing for donations of toys and cash for the Cash for Kids charity, which has been spreading happiness among children in Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife for over 30 years.

Cash for Kids help children who are disadvantaged through poverty, and who are sick or disabled. They also work with groups and organisations that work to improve the lives of children in our community. Last year, the charity raised £11m nationally and every penny raised in the Radio Forth area is distributed here.

Gifts and grants go to thousands of underprivileged kids who otherwise might not have had a visit from Santa, or seen a very important wish come true.

With a band of volunteer work colleagues, I felt privileged to spend a day with Ian in his warehouse base at The Gyle Centre last Wednesday. We collected donated toys, then categorised and packaged them ready for dispatch to the applicant groups. Ian had the phone glued to his ear all day, fixing deals and making Radar O'Reilly from Mash look like an amateur.

Ian beavers away, day in, day out for weeks leading up to Christmas to ensure all our children have a happy time. I left exhausted, nursing sore feet after one day, but Ian's smile tells you how he feels about his work.

If you need convincing that the spirit of Santa is alive and well, pop online here and get involved.