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Villeneuve Wines of Broughton Street held its (arguably) annual Wine Tasting on 19 November.

Around 170 people attended in Lyon & Turnbull's spacious premises on Broughton Place for five hours' gruelling concentration on the arts of sniffing, sipping, rolling, tasting, swallowing and spitting. Not necessarily in that order. Some 84 wines were sampled in the presence of a plethora (not the easiest word to say by the evening's close) of restaurateurs, winemakers, exporters and representatives.

Villenueve's staff hailed the evening as a great success, claiming significant specialist press excitement, and 'good feelings all round'. It had certainly justified reconvening the event in Edinburgh after a 4-year break.

Purple Kite's Graeme Robertson attended with camera for Spurtle. Shown here are a few of the images he caught before his muse deserted him and his tastebuds took over.