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Don’t ask us why, but it seems to be the season for Lothian Bus routes through Broughton at the moment.

Following Keith Thompson’s stylised celebratory No. 8 bus route last week (Breaking news, 16.5.13), we now feature this wonderful work painted by current studio trainees at Broughton Street’s Gallery on the Corner to a design by former trainee Alan Lucchesi.

The No. 23 appears in all its glory, hurrying towards Dundas Street.

Lucchesi completed the Gallery’s scheme in March, and staff there are now helping him to find employment and to set up in his own right as a professional artist.

This work has been entered by the Gallery in the Sixth International Art Exhibition of People with Autism, based in Hungary. You can click your star-approval there by following this link – all the works will be judged in competition later in the year.