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Spring arrived in Broughton this lunchtime. 

What felt like the first sunshine in months broke through the morning haar, casting shadows over St Mark’s Park and lighting up the city centre through the haze. 

Can you identify the 'spire' to the right of St Mary's? This photographer can't, and it's annoying.

Life seemed to be returning to the Water of Leith …

and to the former Powderhall bowling green where local kids now play in the after-school club.

Older youngsters elsewhere have other concerns (pray they don't get marked down for spelling) …

whilst maintaining a healthy interest in diet.

But above all, as seen on Melgund Terrace, spring is a time for optimism and blue-sky thinking …

or, in Spurtle reader Laurie Maguire's case, a bit of teasing versification.