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Subscribers pay £12 per year (or whatever they can afford) in return for which a copy of the paper is hand-delivered monthly to the door of their choice. Those wishing to receive copies by post in the UK now pay £18.20. The subscription year runs from 1 October.

Subscribers are really important to the Spurtle. Their contributions provide a financial cushion between the paper and occasional cashflow bumps in the road, especially at times when advertising revenue is hard to find. They also constitute a valued core of support and feedback on those occasions when our coverage rattles cages.

If you'd like to support Broughton's free, independent stirrer, please make out a cheque to the Spurtle and leave it c/o Narcissus Flowers, 87 Broughton Street, Edinburgh EH1 3RJ. Remember to include a note of where you want your copy to go. Thank you.

NB: Spurtle's online reportage will cease for a few days this week during essential maintenance of volunteers' paid careers. Normal service will resume on 21 October.