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Submitted by koru on

Following on from the Spurtle's hustings event last month, the BBC is holding tonight's Scotland Leaders’ election debate in the Mansfield Traquair Centre.

Ruth Davidson (Con.), Jim Murphy (Lab.), Willie Rennie (Lib-Dem.) and Nicola Sturgeon (SNP) will be slugging it out from 7.30pm on BBC 1, with Glenn Campbell chairing.

The Mansfield Traquair Centre also hosted BBC Radio 1's Newsbeat Debate earlier in the week. Topics covered included housing, the cost of living, and, in common with the Spurtle's hustings, unequal pay for women and men.

Judging by footage from that debate, although locals may be excited by the prospect of seeing  'Edinburgh's Sistine Chapel' on TV tonight, they may be disappointed by the dimly lit conditions.

You'd be better advised to look at the 360 tour available from the Mansfield Traquair website - or visit in person.