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Statistics produced by the Scottish Government suggest two unlikely groups as Edinburgh's safest drivers.

Between 2005 and 2009 the safest way of travelling upon Edinburgh's roads was in a vehicle other than a bus, car, bike, motorcycle or goods vehicle (for example, a sit-on lawnmower or Challenger tank), on a Monday between midnight and 6:00am, with a female at the controls aged between 5 and 15 or 85 and over. No-one fitting all these criteria was involved in a serious or fatal accident.

The figures are extrapolated from the Scottish Government’s Safer Scotland and Road Safety Scotland campaign 'Country Roads – Don't Risk It', and can be viewed at their website here.

The reverse of the coin is more harrowing. Over the same period there were 119 fatal or serious accidents in the Edinburgh City region. Around 74 per cent involved men, with the greatest number (33 out of 88) aged between 16 and 24.

Most accidents involved a car (67) and happened on a Friday (28) between 6:00pm and midnight (44).

The Government campaign is focused on driving along country roads, which although quieter are in many ways more dangerous. Excessive speed, complacency, and external factors such as unexpected livestock are major contributors to accidents.