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The weather forecast predicts another day of sunshine and showers in Edinburgh, meaning another day of sudden brilliance and shadow on Howe Street where Hatti Pattisson is exhibiting work at No. 25.

Pattison initially took the space on a temporary basis from White Space gallery in April (Breaking news, 6.4.14), but such was the success of the exhibition that she has now extended her run here for another month.

A short section of hall, and the single, elegant and unadorned front room are filled with paintings, fabrics, wall-hangings and colour-saturated furnishings, many drawing inspiration from the Fife fishing villages where she grew up.

That’s St Andrews Bay depicted in the painting above the mantelpiece, and the famously exotic flora of the East Neuk appear on the cushion cover shown below.

The changeable winds, waves and frothing crashes of the Fife coast are evident in this deliciously churning seascape ...

... while plain lampshades reveal unexpectedly bright interiors when lit.

Over the summer, Pattisson will exhibit in London at the Royal Overseas League, then return for an annual ‘pilgrimage’ to her home village during the Pittenweem Arts Festival (2–10 August).

After that, it’s back to the Beaverhall Studios, a creative hotspot for arts and crafts in the heart of Broughton first visited by Spurtle back in November last year (Breaking news, 18.11.13).

In the meantime, her exhibition continues at 25 Howe Street – come rain or shine – until 3 June.