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Earlier this month we reported neighbours' opposition to plans for a new building at 4 Barony Place (Breaking news, 10.10.12).

Now, showing that there are two sides to every two-storey story, a local has written to the Spurtle with arguments in favour of the development and claims these views also find support in the Broughton community.

Our correspondent – who does not wish to be named publicly – points first to the condition of the site, claiming that neighbours have been trying to get this eyesore improved for many years.

'We definitely see the proposed new house as the ideal solution to what will be an ongoing problem if the site continues to be left vacant.

'The choice is not between an attractive green site and a new house – the choice is between a dumping site with illegal parking, and a stylish modern building which is likely to much enhance the area (in the way the Steel House has up the road).' The Steel House stands – not without controversy – at the top of Hart Street.

Our correspondent concedes that there may be details of the proposal which could be improved through discussion, but considers rejecting the scheme altogether would be a 'travesty'. They also criticise a flyer circulated locally by objectors, containing alleged misreadings of and misleading inaccuracies about the proposal.

' I have, by the way, absolutely no personal interest in the development, nor contact with the developer!' our correspondent concludes. 'I'm just a local person keen to see the neighbourhood improved!'

What do you think? As always, send us your views – for or against – and we will publish them.


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  the objectors are calling it the Darth Vader house... which actually makes it sound rather cool.

Braewell Galleries Stylish....ish!

Fergus Smith Note to architects: adding a pointy roof and asymmetric windows does not make a building stylish. As ever, this is an ugly, bland, insipid "design", so doubtless will be welcomed with open arms by the eejits in CEC.