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In Spurtle’s wanderings about Broughton over recent weeks, we have noticed an overwhelming number of window and lamppost stickers urging us to vote Yes in next month’s Independence Referendum. 

Even a semi-derelict junction box on East Claremont Street has not escaped an amusing expression of pro-independence advice.

Online contributor The Left-Handed Tea Drinker confirmed that impression in his column of 18 August, although he had mixed feelings about any such stickers’ true persuasive potential.

Today, however, we noticed for the first time a Better Together efflorescence in the New Town where Union flags and bunting now bedeck the balconies of neighbouring properties halfway along Albany Street. Numerous ‘No Thanks’ flyers have also mushroomed – overnight it seems – in windows and fanlights on adjacent streets.

Meanwhile, Spurtle reader Douglas McHugh has been in touch to recommend an alternative statement of intent for all those locals wishing to join in the national conversation without nailing their colours to the mast or alienating the postie.

It should, he suggests, be printed against a background tone of traditional Edinburgh haar.