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Locals were unimpressed today by unsightly repairs to 20 sq.m. of East London Street. 

Andrew Haddow, who contacted the Spurtle, said Council workers were ‘fixing the massive potholes created by buses rolling down the street at all times of day and night, and during the diversion around Broughton Street when it closed during St James Quarter preparations’ (Issue 242). 

A City of Edinburgh Council spokesperson told us: ‘We’ve been carrying out temporary repairs today following a number of complaints about depressions in the road surface.’

We learn CEC has received one accident claim and four defect reports from members of the public since January.

Following an inspection, the area was identified as a Category 2 defect requiring temporary repairs to make it safe.

‘Further investment,’ said the CEC spokesperson, ‘would be required for sett repairs, which involve detailed design and planning’.

No such permanent repairs are currently scheduled, but monitoring of the road condition will continue until they are. In other words, don’t hold your breath.

Andrew Haddow has his doubts: ‘Doesn't look like the best way to fix a cobbled road – looks like it will just make the problem worse again in a few months by transferring the problem further along’.


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 Paul Burgess But typical of this dreadful council

 Hilary Walkingshaw On a par to what they've done to the High Street in South Queensferry.

 Lewis Finnie " temporary" but then says " no permanent repairs scheduled"

@theSpurtle streets with setts should be closed at one end to stop rat runs. They're not made for through traffic and buses doing 30mph!

.@theSpurtle The temporary repairs to Coates Crescent are still there 3 years later

@davejh7 @theSpurtle I'd be pleased if @Edinburgh_CC returned the setts after roadworks. Which they don't. Frederick St a case in point.

Paul Foley Why do they waste our money with these crappy repairs? Fix it right the first time. Simples

Broughton Spurtle Strongly suspect simple answer is no money.

Paul Foley I'm not so sure. They can find money when they want to. Setts are slowly disappearing. This is the first phase on removing them altogether. Very sad

@AC1902 @davejh7 @theSpurtle @Edinburgh_CC Seriously,lift them all and tarmac roads, stop this lifting and relaying nonsense. #21stCentury

Neale Gilhooley It looks like it's unpeeling already