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Local author Margaret Irvine will be at McDonald Road Library on 26 February to discuss her autobiographical Tenterfield, My Happy Childhood in Care.

When Irvine's first book was published last summer, it was widely welcomed as an antidote to the more common 'misery memoirs' available on bookshop shelves. The youngest of 12 children, her experience of being taken into care at the age of two-and-a-half was overwhelmingly positive. The 40 children at Tenterfield found their environment loving and happy, and enjoyed strong support from the Haddington community beyond the gates.

Irvine ascribes much of the home's success to the radical beliefs and practices of Tenterfield House's matron, Dorothy Martin (daughter of Aston Martin co-founder Lionel Birch Martin). She it was who set the tone, providing affection and guidance which allowed her charges to grow up into well-adjusted citizens in the 1940s and 1950s.

The author herself went on to work for the NSPCC, as a nanny and as a nurse. As a respite-carer for Social Services in Edinburgh, she now regularly looks after children under the age of three.

Margaret Irvine will talk about her life and read from the book between 3.30 and 4:30pm on Saturday 26 February. Tel. 529  5636 or email to reserve a place.