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The yellow box on Picardy Place contravenes government regulations.

So says Spurtle reader Phil Gifford, who believes the road markings between Leith Street and York Place are specifically barred. 

It's 'another Council cock-up', says Mr Gifford, since yellow boxes should not appear ‘on roundabouts not controlled by lights and also where traffic merges’.

The rules cover ‘Legal aspects, yellow box junctions, section 12, subsection 12.3, Traffic Signs Manual, Chapter 5’. Go here to acquire your fun-packed 168-page pdf for £26.

Whilst we waited for our copy to arrive in time for Christmas, Spurtle spent 20 minutes yesterday observing the traffic flow during the morning rush hour.

We noticed no particular confusion. With a few notable exceptions (see below), drivers appeared to understand and respect the box. There was only very occasional and temporary congestion on this part of the roundabout.

But do our findings match your experience? Please let us know.

Meanwhile, on a related question, Mr Gifford expresses irritation at the poor road surface around the roundabout, and the lamentable state of the circle at its centre.

Spurtle will be asking questions about this and other matters at a briefing with St James Quarter developer TH Real Estate later in the week. Watch this space.

Got a view? Tell us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook


 Alastair Wright I've seen complete chaos many times at the yellow box in question and that was before the roadworks. Now I just avoid it like the plague! The main issue, as I see it, is the traffic tailing back from the Broughton St lights onto the roundabout. In busy periods this creates gridlock.

 Gary Kerr Can there be a whip-round the state of the roundabout is appalling.

Thinking outside the box: should Picardy Place road marking be barred?  Opinions, please.

@theSpurtle Not barred, but perhaps a prettier pattern. And more colours. And a tiny ice rink in the middle.

@theSpurtle Roundabout is due to be ripped up as part of St James redevelopment anyway and replaced with traffic light's.