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Autumn is well and truly upon us, and winter on the way apparently, which means comfort food season is officially open. What could be more comforting than a lovely steamed pudding!

A couple of years ago we had some friends come visit us from New York. It was their first time in Scotland so we took them on the mother of all road trips, up through the Highlands and all the way across to Skye. The pair of them are as fond of good food as we are, so having dragged them right up to the doorstep of the The Three Chimneys it would have been a shame not to cross it and go in …

Years later I still swear that their signature pudding was worth the 400-mile round trip alone – the sponge was seductively dark but surprisingly light, and tasted most definitely and deliciously of marmalade, which is a particularly favourite flavour of mine. But it is a bit of a trip to undertake just for pudding, so when I saw Nick Nairn produce this on Saturday Kitchen one morning, and make it look what-have-you-got-to-lose easy into the bargain, I knew I had to give it a go. 

The lovely people at The Three Chimneys have made this recipe pretty accessible online. We used a version found on the Guardian’s website, and not only was it as easy as NN made it look but it came a damn close second to the real thing! 

The Three Chimneys serve theirs with a Drambuie custard, but a nice vanilla ice cream goes just as well, so serve up with whichever cream-based accompaniment you prefer.

This pudding supposedly freezes well but we’ve never had enough left over to try. If you do freeze it, though, you can apparently reheat it by steaming it again, or popping it into the microwave for a few seconds.

150g fine brown breadcrumbs
25g self-raising wholemeal flour (or white self-raising flour)
120g soft light brown sugar
120g butter
8 tbsp coarse-cut marmalade, plus 3 tbsp extra for serving
3 large eggs
1 rounded teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

3-pint pudding basin
Large mixing bowl
Small saucepan
Large saucepan or stewpot, deep enough for the pudding basin to fit inside and have the saucepan lid firmly on


Start by buttering the pudding basin well, and then set to one side.

Place the breadcrumbs, flour and sugar into the mixing bowl.

Melt the butter and marmalade in a saucepan over a gentle heat. Pour the melted ingredients over the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl and then mix it all together thoroughly.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs until they’re frothy, and then beat gently into the pudding mixture until it is all blended together well.

Dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in 1 tablespoon of cold water before stirring into the pudding mixture, which will increase in volume as it absorbs the bicarb.

Finally, spoon the mixture into the buttered basin. Cover it with a close-fitting lid or, alternatively, make a lid with circles of buttered greaseproof paper and foil, pleated together across the centre and tied securely around the rim of the basin. (If that made no sense, click here to watch a very good video explaining what to do.)

Lower the pudding basin into the saucepan/stewpot of boiling water (the water should reach halfway up the side). Cover and simmer for two hours, checking the water throughout and topping up when needed (trust me, it will need it).

When the two hours are up, carefully remove the pudding basin and lift off the lid. Put a plate on top, turn the basin upside down and wait for the pudding to unmould. It should do this on its own but if it needs help then give it a sound tap on top, or squeeze if the basin is plastic.

Remove the basin and rejoice in the dark, steamed perfection of your pudding!

Melt the extra marmalade in a small saucepan, then drizzle all over the pudding as you’re serving it alongside some custard or ice cream. Smile


This and similarly delicious recipes can be found in Shirley Spear’s The Three Chimneys: Recipes and Reflections (published by Birlinn at £16.99).  There are plenty more tasty tips and foodie thoughts on Fiona's own blog at