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Submitted by Editor on

An application by the Category B-listed Gurkha Brigade restaurant at 9a Antigua Street to extend its premises to the rear has been consented (Ref. 14/03714/LBC). 

Materials for the 3.8m extension will comprise harled block work to match the flat roof and two additional polycarbonate pyramidal rooflights. A new traditional timber and glass shopfront is proposed with fielded panel stallriser in a design similar to that of Kushi’s next door. There will be no windows in the extension, so invasion of neighbours’ privacy is not an option.

Deliveries and waste collection will be from the front of the premises, and no al fresco dining will be allowed at the back. A condition of consent was to improve the rear elevation by the addition of dressed stone quoins and buff-coloured render.

Three objections and four comments were received with observations including a request for restrained lighting and signage, and adequate noise insulation.

Spurtle welcomes the additional space and wishes the proprietors good luck.