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Spurtle was out and about across Edinburgh today, starting with a tour of polling stations the length and breadth of greater Broughton.

The one in Bellevue Chapel on Rodney Street was the quietest we came across, with no-one visible outside the door and few signs of voters entering or leaving. They may possibly have been sheltering inside from the early-morning fog and drizzle.

By contrast, Broughton Nursery School on McDonald Road was abuzz. When the doors opened here at 7.00am, 63 people promptly flooded in with more following in their wake soon after.

This is Little King Street, where an impromptu televised debate was taking place outside Café Camino. Emphasis on the No.

We're not sure who won the argument, but we liked the stylish neckwear.

Yes and No supporters mingled on either side of the way into the Royal Navy & Royal Marines Club on Broughton Road.

And at Leith Walk Primary School on West Montgomery Place you could get dizzy trying to keep track of who was doing what and going where.

Fortunately, around the corner, these two characters were prepared to stand still for a moment.

Stockbridge Parish Church was busy by lunctime.

At Pilrig St Paul's there were hugs ...

and outside McDonald Road Library, more TV cameras – seemingly eager to film anything and everything that moved.

Polling stations will remain open until 10.00pm. So long as you are in a queue outside your polling station by that time, you will still be allowed in to vote.