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Don't you just hate those irritating little jobs? 

You know the ones. When the thing to be fixed is at an awkward angle. And you don't have exactly the right tool to hand so you end up improvising with something you found on the floor in the garage.

And then, just as you think you're starting to make progress, bits of your anatomy keep popping out and you don't have the wherewithal to pop them back in again.

And then, to make matters worse, you're standing on a ladder.

A long ladder.

A very long ladder.

A very very long ladder indeed.

Spurtle stopped watching this scene on Broughton Street last Saturday when sweaty palms made holding the camera too unbearable.


 Patrick Hadfield Oh dear...!

 Rachel Bell Eeeek!

@theSpurtle let's not mention the Working at Height Regulations...