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Submitted by Editor on

Many Broughton residents are avowed Nature lovers.

Many spend hours studying or attempting to improve the lot of our scaly, feathered and four-footed friends.

But any objective observer would have to say that sometimes Nature doesn’t help itself.

Take a look at this mound of stuff pulled recently from the Water of Leith and now piled ready for a Council uplift from St Mark’s Park.

What on earth does a heron want with an office chair? Do otters really need a shovel or are they just showing off? Surely mallards shouldn’t be microwaving their duckweed? And since when have water voles required cushion foam to make themselves comfortable?

If you ask us, Broughton’s urban wildlife has gone soft and it’s a good thing all these unnecessary luxuries have been confiscated from them.

We don’t know the identity of those responsible for this new tough-love regime, but well done and thanks whoever you are. 


  Lizzie Rynne ‏@CityCycling  

@theSpurtle sometimes I feel we are drowning in rubbish. folks are so lazy? @edinburgh_cc doesn;t help: 1 of our 2 communal bins is lidless

NewTownCleanStreets retweeted Broughton Spurtle

Well done @WOLCT volunteers!!

Water of Leith Trust ‏@WOLCT  

Great article thanks microwaving mallards hee hee

Andy Leggatt From past experience that will probably be sitting there next week.

 Feòrag ‏@Feorag  

@theSpurtle Possibly the @GoGeocaching and Water of Leith Conservstion Trust Cache In, Trash Out event. Uplift will happen.


Dear Spurtle,

With regards to your article - I would just like to confess to being the Geocacher who organised the clean up along with the Water of Leith Conservation Trust. 

To add to your list we also took 3 safes, yes safes out of the river, you can view the event page here -

Sadly the wildlife got some payback on us, and my hand slipped causing me to dislocate my shoulder and be rescued from the river by fellow Geocachers.

Thanks for the article.

Dave Love

aka Haggis Hunter