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Bob Crooks’ new exhibition Alchemy at the Scottish Gallery is a sensuous feast for the eyes.

Crooks says it with curves and colour, the Devon countryside around his studio providing much of the inspiration.

‘The landscape is the anchor for his forms,’ writes Christina Jansen, ‘and the pattern and colour of the flora is the source of his vivid colour palette’.

The piece detailed below, apparently, reflects the cherry blossom in his garden.

This reviewer spent a good half hour gazing into these gorgeous organic shapes, relishing the light on them, round them, through and beside them.

And all the while worrying about the potential for volcanic hayfever sneezes, stray elbows and whether I was really physically coordinated enough to be allowed within ten feet of them.

It’s absolutely beautiful work which I urge you to see. AM

The exhibition continues at the Scottish Gallery, 16 Dundas Street, until 30 August.