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Thousands marched through central Edinburgh this afternoon to protest against the arrival of President Trump in the UK in general, and Scotland in particular. 

Spurtle photographed over a hundred banners and placards, ranging in tone from serious and political to anatomical and scatalogical. 

Below we've focused on those which were effectively concise, or filled us with admiration for their artistry, or said something distinctively Scottish, or made us laugh, or in retrospect conveyed a clear sense of the overall mood. 

Some made nicely nuanced points. 

Others went straight for the flush handle.

Some strode purposefully …

while others stood quietly to make a noisy point.

Some were quite graphic …

but others preferred wordplay.

For many people, colour seemed to be an important issue.

Irony and understatement were the order of the day.

By the time the march concluded in the Meadows, the inflatable Trumps were proving every bit as hard to wrangle as the real thing.

Now, in the interests of editorial balance, Spurtle looked very carefully for counter-demonstrations or pro-Donald slogans. We noticed none. Although in fairness, not everyone seemed to have come with a clear political agenda.

If you have images of the day you'd like to share with us, please send them to or @theSpurtle or Facebook
