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Rockspring UK Value 2 Tanfield (Luxembourg) Sarl – snappily titled component of a property asset and fund manager specialising in commercial real-estate investment across the UK and continental  Europe for over 30 years – has plans for the entrances to its property at 1 Tanfield (Ref. 15/04365/FUL). 

It wants to replace four politely understated gatepost globe lights on Inverleith Row and Glenogle Road with a mixture of steel signage and ‘decorative capitals’.

A telephone call between the company’s agent and City of Edinburgh Council last month confirmed that the proposal ‘barely constitutes “development”’, but application for Planning Permission was advised nevertheless.

And a good thing too, says Spurtle. The proposed capitals – to be lit from below – strike us as frivolous and attention-seeking. They would disrupt the symmetry of globe lights and stone balls at Canonmills, and – at nearly 1.5 metres tall – significantly detract from this otherwise discreet frontage with sober historical associations in the Inverleith Conservation Area.

Feast your eyes on them here and in glorious colour here and recoil in horror. They look just the kind of thing to grace a giant Golden Turd-style hotel development in a city bent on losing its UNESCO world heritage status.

No doubt, attracting attention is exactly what such tutti-frutti fatuousness is required to do.

However, perhaps an effective but less discordant result could be achieved by, say, commissioning a new work of sculpture for the building’s forecourt to replace Gerald Laing’s now departed Axis Mund: 5 Wise Virgins – Their Apotheosis.

Similarly minded observers have until 6 November to lodge an objection.

Useful contacts

Inverleith SocietyBobby Fraser, Hon. Secretary, 21 Warriston Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 5LB, email

Stockbridge & Inverleith Community Council: Next meeting at 7.00pm on 21 October, Stockbridge Parish Church, Saxe-Coburg Street. Tel. 529 5665, email 

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 New Town Flâneur ‏@NewTownFlaneur

@theSpurtle If it's locally-sourced, organic tutti-frutti, locals won't mind. In fact, they'll probably start campaigning for it.

Lizzie Rynne Retweeted Broughton Spurtle

*uck indeedy.