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Police Scotland issued the following press release this morning.

We reproduce it unedited and in full.


Police in Edinburgh are appealing for information after two robbery related incidents happened in two convenience stores on Saturday, 4 July.

The first incident happened around 5.45pm at the Best One store on Bonnington Road. The suspect threatened the shop keeper with a knife and demanded money from the till. The shop keeper challenged the suspect who then left.

The second incident happened around 6.15pm at the Co-op store on McDonald Road. The suspect entered the store from the direction of Bonnington Road and threatened two members of staff with a knife, demanding money from the till. Around £200 worth of cash was stolen. Nobody was injured in either incident.

The suspect is described as male, in his twenties, around 6ft tall with black sunglasses and a black/grey snood only showing his eye line. He was wearing a slim fitted Nike top with a black Nike tick on the right chest and black cuffs looped over his thumbs. He had a red/burgundy top underneath showing at the waistline, skinny blue Nike joggers, black running trainers, orange gloves and a black rucksack worn to the front of his body.

Detective Sergeant Steven Gray, of Gayfield CID, said: "We believe these incidents are linked and between speaking to the victims and watching CCTV, there is a good description of the suspect so we're appealing to the public to help us.

"If anybody saw somebody matching this description on Bonnington Road or McDonald Road shortly before or after these incidents on Saturday, please contact us."

Anyone with information should contact Police Scotland on 101 quoting incident number 2824 of 4 July, 2020.


UPDATE FROM POLICE SCOTLAND, 6 JULY: 'A 22 year old man has been arrested and charged in connection with an alleged robbery and attempted robbery at convenience stores in Bonnington Road and McDonald Road, Edinburgh, on Saturday, 4 July, 2020.

'He is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday, 6 July, 2020.  A report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.'


