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If you’re heading off to sunny climes this weekend – Newhaven, perhaps, Porty, or North Berwick ­– the following advice may be of interest.

It appeared in an advertisement in the Edinburgh Evening news on Saturday 15 July, 1916.

This was a time, clearly, when everyone’s thoughts were focused on holidays and looking good.




For every woman who denies herself the luxury of sea-bathing on grounds of health, there are at least two who forgo the pleasure because they dread the effect of sea water upon the complexion. Just as every constitution cannont stand the shock of the cold plunge, so there are skins that roughen and smart and suffer with the salt of the sea. But where in the one case, absolute avoidance is essential, in the other case indulgence is not only permissible but desirable if proper means be taken to counteract the effect. Two minutes’ massage at bed-time with Pomeroy Skin Food will adequately protect the most susceptible skin against any ill effect of sea water. And it will also remove any mischief already done. An eighteenpenny jar of Pomeroy Skin Food obtained from the Chemist, and taken to the seaside for nightly use as directed, will keep the skin smooth and clear, and preserve the delicate bloom of the complexion.

Unfortunately, the Pomeroy brand appears to have gone out of production around 1948, although it is still owned by Richards & Appleby Ltd, who also own the Cyclax range of body, skin and nail treatments.

For a fascinating account of Mrs Pomeroy Ltd and its founder, visit the Cosmetics and Skin website here