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The Natural Beekeeping Trust (NBT) will host the Scottish premiere of Queen of the Sun, a documentary film celebrating bees, their beauty, their role in pollination and honey production, and addressing what can be done to reverse their (human) life-threatening disappearance worldwide.

In 1923, Rudolf Steiner – the scientist, philosopher and social innovator – predicted that in 80 to 100 years honeybees would collapse. His prediction has come true with Colony Collapse Disorder whereby bees are failing in massive numbers with no obvious explanation.

Director Taggart Siegel elicits observations and solutions from scientists and philosophers around the world, seeking to rebuild also a human culture in balance with nature.

You can watch a trailer for the film here, and find out more about the NBT here.

The event costs £5 at the door (profits go to the NBT, a registered charity). The door is at the Lecture Room, Royal Botanic Garden, 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh. The film starts at 7pm on Thursday 1 March.
