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Changeworks are asking Edinburgh flat and tenement dwellers for their opinions about shared on-street bins used for rubbish and recycling. 

‘It is important that Edinburgh flat residents are given the opportunity to give feedback on their current waste and recycling service.’, says Changeworks’ Head of Projects Sam Mills. 

‘This will help the City of Edinburgh Council to improve bin design, as well as collections, bin locations and recycling communications which will benefit the local community.’ 

Cllr Lesley Macinness, the Council’s Transport and Environment Convener, adds: ‘As well as allowing us to identify the key issues around on-street bins, something we have committed to as part of our own Waste and Cleansing Improvement Plan, this information will be used to make sure residents have adequate recycling provision, helping us to achieve the Council’s target of increasing household recycling to 60% in the next five years’.

You have until 23 October to fill in the online survey, and can find it by following this link. It takes 5–10 minutes to complete, and doing so allows you to enter a prize draw.

The research is timely. Parts of Bellevue (where these photos were taken this morning) have been overflowing with rubbish of all sorts for the past three days.
