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Submitted by Editor on

Last week's item on the state of paving slabs at Shrubhill Place prompted a brief sideline in the comments thread afterwards.

It concerned Broughton Street's A-boards.

Their fans suggest that they add wit, colour, interest, and useful informationt to the area.

Not for the first time, their detractors say that they are a muddle, and – whilst not a major problem for fully sighted, fully mobile people not glued to their mobiles – they can and do sometimes represent a hazard to others, especially at peak hours when pavements and the roadways beside them are congested.

Do's and don'ts

From memory, we think City of Edinburgh Council requires A-boards to be sited within a metre of the business, not to exceed a permitted outdoor tables/chairs area, and to be taken inside during bad weather. No business should have more than one. CEC would prefer such signage to be incorporated into the business's 'barrier design', although such permanent arrangements are more problematic on listed railings.

On Broughton Street, these rules are mostly adhered to, but not always, We counted 32 in total, with one business boasting SEVEN!

On balance, we're much more in favour of them than not, but is this the general view in Spurtleshire? Let us know your thoughts.

In the meantime, how many of these unhelpfully manipulated images can you identify? They're all on Broughton Street. Answers at foot of page on Monday.


Those boards in order: (1) Life Story; (2) Essential Therapy; (3) Curiouser and Curiouser; (4) The Olive Branch; (5) Smoke Stack; (6) Narcissus; (7) Broughton Newsagency; (8) Boombarbers; (9) The Basement; (10) The Vapour Lounge; (11) Asti; (12) Vino Wines; (13) Paige Conner Hairdresser; (14) Blue Morpho.


@theSpurtle Not a fan on our narrow pavements. I’d rather give up space to cycle posts.

@theSpurtle I try not to stand on them.

@theSpurtle there's a page on Living Streets Edinburgh website on CEC standards for a-boards [HERE IS THE LINK:… ]

@hackonteur @theSpurtle Not at all a fan either. I'd rather have space on the pavement for pedestrian dawdling lane and overtaking lane.