Look at the photo and what do you see?
Spurtle reader Tibor Farkas, who sent us this Bellevue Place detail, sees ‘a blood-soaked robin with an albino crayfish beside it’.
It is in fact a chance splash of paint next to some randomly tangled string and old Pot Noodles.

Mr Farkas has also spoiled us with a different image, this time from West Annandale Street. He interprets it as unmistakably a Portuguese Man o’ War …

or a fat rabbit with its back to the viewer …

or a duck’s head …

or a goldfish leaping from an overturned bowl of water.

For previous pareidolia in Broughton and further afield, see Issues 325 (p.1) and 326 (p.3). If you have examples of your own, we’d be interested to see them. Email us at: spurtle@hotmail.co.uk.