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Did you enjoy your city-centre shopping experience this weekend?

The cheerful and excited throng?

The elegance of Edinburgh in all its festive finery?

Reader David Young did not, and here are his Christmas snarls explaining why.

1. St Andrew Square

2. The famous Street of Light, with cones

… and crush barriers

3. Home of ‘The Original German Sausage’ (left)

4. The inimitable Edinburgh skyline. Wheeeeee!

‘There’s no doubt that Edinburgh’s Christmas is successful,’ says Charlie Wood, director of … Edinburgh’s Christmas. In fact, he adds: ‘I do think we need to think about what places in the city we could potentially expand into’.  

Watch this space … or more to the point, watch your space. 

Got a view? Tell us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook


 Marion Yvonne Need a 'humph' emoji

 Bill Dunlop Quite, Marion Yvonne, and a 'p***ed off' one as well.
@theSpurtle Biffa bins, astroturf + unholy stench of fried onions -- the fun of the fair indeed. Edinburgh deserves better than tawdry.

 James Preston Nice to see such a balanced report! Let's have more Underbelly hating, love it. Mind you, try visiting lots of other UK cities at this time of year and you'll soon see how good we have it in Edinburgh. Accepted St. Andrew Square has been a mess but Underbelly put more investment into the Christmas celebrations than they need to and all the visitors we've had this season have gone on and on about how fabulous it is.

Broughton Spurtle (1) Well, it's a local's opinion more than a balanced report. And that particular company isn't mentioned or hated. (2) Not sure anyone knows whether ALL the visitors have loved it. So far, none has responded to this website saying how 'fabulous' Christmas celebrations are or vice versa. (3) More generally, the sense we have is that Edinburgh could do better – a lot better, aesthetically and commercially – with calmer festive additions which complement rather than outdazzle the city's USP of historical authenticity.

Elaine Hutton I deal with a lot of visitors in my job and every one of them has raved about how great the Edinburgh's Christmas is.

David Flint David Flint ‏@daflint69

@theSpurtle yup. It's time to rein it in. It's tacky & overpriced & only seems to make Edinburgh look even more dirty & grubby.

@theSpurtle Biffa bins, astroturf + unholy stench of fried onions -- the fun of the fair indeed. Edinburgh deserves better than tawdry.

David King ‏@vikingdad69

@KenWilson84@BCCletts@theSpurtle it does? Reading between the tramlines...i think not.

@daflint69 @theSpurtle From a distance looks very pretty but the reality is different. Effectively turned city centre into tourist area.

@lattegirl10@theSpurtle@daflint69 In what sense? I've been along Princes St, and there are loads of local people enjoying the fun there.

@joycemcm@lattegirl10@theSpurtle yes, local ppl are going (incl me) but there are many not. It's not fun. Have you been in Joyce?

 LooseEnd ‏@lattegirl10 

@joycemcm@theSpurtle@daflint69 Resident long enough to remember when nothing there, suddenly the mighty £ calls and we have no say in it!

@daflint69@lattegirl10@theSpurtle No, but the people who are in there seem to be enjoying themselves. Is there any evidence they aren't?

LooseEnd LooseEnd ‏@lattegirl10

@joycemcm@daflint69@theSpurtle Well try being suffocated, bruised and shoved trying to cross through the German market, then say 'enjoyed'

@joycemcm@lattegirl10@theSpurtle maybe you should go & see for yourself Joyce, & see what you think? Do some research for an article?

@joycemcm@lattegirl10@theSpurtle understand arguments for; but whats the cost 4 locals, how many locals employed, is it Xmas? #bahhumbug

 Paul Foley Mmmmm. Methinks those pics were taken during construction works.
 Broughton Spurtle Still fenced off. Will double-check and revert to you.
Email from David Young: All the photographs except one were taken between 2pm and 3pm on Friday 16th December – almost a month after the official start date for 'Edinburgh's Christmas', 18th November. The exception was the first picture (St Andrew Square), taken on 7th December – three weeks into the action.  But here's a more recent picture of St Andrew Square, if anyone would like to play Spot the Difference.
 Paul Foley It's all temporary so I fail to see the problem. I'm guessing the same complainers won't be to happy with concrete blocks being installed to prevent a potential terrorist attack.
Email from David Young: Two thoughts: (a) just because the current additions to the city are "temporary" isn't an excuse for the half-hearted, makeshift feel that distinguishes Edinburgh's arrangements. (Your Christmas tree at home may be temporary, but you don't just prop it up in the corner of the room with newspaper wrapped round its base.) And (b): it's not "all temporary" anyway. Edinburgh city centre is in an almost constant state of festive flux – as exemplified by the endless, restless churning up of St Andrew Square Gardens throughout the year.  I think we deserve better.

@theSpurtle i wish there were more opportunities for local/Scottish small businesses. Could be wonderful showcase.

 Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle

Broughton Spurtle Retweeted Jane Walker

Businesses elsewhere in Edinburgh are annoyed by pound drain away from their areas. Perhaps they should have priority amid 'attractions'.

@inchmama @theSpurtle have you seen the 'Scottish' market at W end of George St? (street of light) Corporate and joyless. Half is McLidl

Jane WalkerJane Walker ‏@inchmama

@NTCleanStreets@theSpurtle no, when crossing town I just keep my head down & push through to suburban calm!

@inchmama@theSpurtle If try to 'push through' & up to Playfair Steps, have to wonder why CEC sets up its markets along main ped routes

@NTCleanStreets @theSpurtle hah!no route avoiding Playfair Steps. Suddenly South Bridge corridor seems more attractive

@NTCleanStreets @theSpurtle Pedestrians seem to be bottom of list of priorities for CEC

Ally Tibbitt ‏@allytibbitt

Also @theSpurtle the entirety of West Princess St Gardens appears to be have been privatised for Unique Events circus. #bah #humbug

Alexander Frei Alexander Frei ‏@Protonmale 

@allytibbitt@theSpurtle That'll be West PRINCES Street Gardens then.

Ally TibbittAlly Tibbitt ‏@allytibbitt 

@Protonmale@theSpurtle Oh god. The worst sin any Edinburgh resident can commit. *Deletes account*

@theSpurtle the Little LHTD loves it all. My bank manger has called an emergency meeting.

Email from Paul Bennett: Sad, no lights on the Royal Mile, no lights on Princes Street and George st looking very sad not even any lights strung across the street, you know the ones I mean those that dangled hopelessly some on some off  for at least the last three years.  Nothing magical about the capital city at all........shame

@allytibbitt @theSpurtle Please can we have our city back? @Edinburgh_CC

@allytibbitt @theSpurtle @fountainbridge cld understand this couple of days either side of Hogmanay. But week before Xmas is taking the piss

Paul Dalrymple Overpriced tat for the unimaginative but a money spinner for the Council I'd presume.

Avalanche Records ‏@avalanche_edin @inchmama @theSpurtle Cost of the stalls is so high that only those selling very high margin goods can afford it. Hence scarves from China !

Avalanche Records @inchmama @theSpurtle Would be interesting to know what the total income from stall rental is and how much of that @Edinburgh_CC receive