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An LGBT Service to mark the First Sunday in Advent will be held at Broughton St Mary's Parish Church this weekend, writes the Rev. Graham McGeoch.

The Service has been written by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and will include the participation of Stonewall Scotland, Waverley Care Community Choir and the leading playwright and former professor of theatre at Queen Margaret University Jo Clifford.

The theologian Marcella Althaus-Reid once asked: ‘What goodness and righteousness would prevail if you were now in love again, and in love with one with whom you are (ecclesiastically) not supposed to love?’ (The Queer God, 2003)  From this she developed her ecclesiology of diaspora and defiance. 

At Broughton St Mary's we are embarking on a journey of discovering God beyond heterosexual ideologies in the Church, searching for ways to support the full participation of LGBT people in the life of the church and the community.

It is our joy to discover God sitting in our midst calling us to love all who have coloured outside the lines that the Church, theology and society have placed around us.

We invite everyone to join us in this ‘coming out’ of the parish church on Sunday 30 November at 10.30am.

[Flag image: Ludovic Berton, Creative Commons]