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The new Winter Show at Bon Papillon opened last night, featuring work by resident landscapist Senja Brendon (formerly Bownes), Melanie Williamson (land and sea in oils) and Lynne Harkes’s contemplative landscapes and abstracted plant forms. 

Also on show are new paintings by gallery co-owner Ingrid Nilsson, whose distinctive quirky portraiture and decorative detail have evolved to include a little more collage than we’re used to in works such as ‘Rose Amour’ (right).

Nilsson combines work as an artist in Bon Papillon’s studio space with work in the gallery’s adjacent café. Her recent mixed-media creations combine the best of both.

The show continues at 15 Howe Street until Christmas.


@theSpurtle @edinspotlight @bonpapillon A smashing café with lots of interesting artworks and absolutely delicious scones!