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A 19-year-old woman was assaulted and robbed on Bonnington Road yesterday evening.

The incident happened at around 8pm as she walked along, talking on her mobile.

Two men approached from behind. The victim was struck on the back of the head and shoulder, and her bag was pulled away. The thieves headed off with it towards Pilrig Park.

Both suspects are and aged in their early 20s. The first is around 5ft 7in and wore a dark-coloured baseball cap, dark top and grey jogging bottoms. The the second is around 5ft 9in, has short hair and wore a dark-coloured top.’

Police want to hear from anyone who saw the attack, or who recognises the suspects from the description.

Contact Police Scotland on Tel. 101, or Crimestoppers in confidence on Tel. 0800 555 111.