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Submitted by Editor on

City of Edinburgh Council seeks the public's views on its 'Draft Management Plan for the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site'.

The draft – drawn up in partnership with the Edinburgh World Heritage Trust and Historic Scotland – provides a framework for the protection and enhancement of the Site’s cultural heritage. It updates the previous plan of July 2005.

The document's main themes are: safeguarding the cultural heritage; understanding the World Heritage Site (WHS); recognising that the WHS is part of a living city; managing the WHS.

In particular, officials want to know if you approve of the vision, objectives and actions laid out in Chapter 5.

Here, there is much to mull over, not least in the three proposed actions to promote high-quality architecture and design:

  • Promote high-quality architecture which is sympathetic to the outstanding universal value of the WHS.
  • Ensure that the traditional townscape character of the WHS is preserved and enhanced.
  • Ensure that a high-quality, sustainable and vibrant city environment is created for present and future communities.

Officials clearly hope these actions will be complementary, but both opponents and advocates of wheelie-bins in the New Town will realise that there is also considerable scope for them to be contradictory. A balance between sympathetic management and clear leadership will probably be key.

Anyone with comments should send them to: Jack Gillon, City Development, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG; or by 31 October.

To read the draft plan and associated documents, click on the pdf below.