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They say witches come out in all weathers, and this is indeed true in Broughton! writes Broughton Project Group secretary Meg Nelson.

A Family Halloween Party, run by the BPG, attracted many a witch, spider, Batman and skeleton to the Barony Community Garden last Thursday 31 October as night fell.

Despite a wet start, we weren't spooked and rigged up a shelter of goodies and a witch's cavern of spells, amidst thunder! When the rain stopped, and as the light faded, partygoers began to arrive in greater numbers and the fun began. 

The Wizard led a fancy dress parade around the garden and up to the cavern where the Witch was working her magic. She brought out a fearful tray of gooey gloop for stirring and a cold pasta lucky dip. She called out her spells, cackling in the dark, getting the Broughton goblins to help her.

After that they dunked for doughnuts hung from the fort and munched on tasty homebaked treats. 

As folk made their way home, the line of 15 pumpkins along the slate wall glowed goodbye.

Thanks for your donations everyone, and for coming out!

Broughton Project Group's garden tidy-up is on 30 November, 10am–noon – all very welcome. For further information, email