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Annual Garden Party & Big Picnic

Hosted by the Central Edinburgh New Town Association. Bring your own picnic, chairs and tables. Music from Edinburgh Brass Band, Trinity Pipers, Regimental Band of the Black Watch Army Cadet Force, and Ceilidhonia. Big hats, blazers, dressing up.

'All frontages, keyholders, residents, their guests, our friends and neighbours are welcome.'

Entry by raffle ticket (£2 each).

Date and time
Queen St Gardens West, entry by double gates on Heriot Row


Three free performances at 12 noon, 3pm & 5pm at 12 locations along the Water of Leith from the International Festival and the Scottish Brass Band Association, inspired by En avant, marche! More details.

Date and time
St Mark's Park

Summer picnic

The Broughton Project Group invites you to a summer picnic in the Barony Community Garden. Everyone's welcome. Bring your own picnic. Teas and coffees and treats in the gazebo. Free atmosphere.

Date and time
Barony Community Garden, Barony Place