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Napier Bathrooms' floodgates not challenged yet, but still evidence of blocked gullies next to the bridge.

Judging by contents of the Water of Leith, Murrayfield Lawn Tennis Club members have been firing balls at an apple orchard all day.


Submitted by Editor on

Still marvelling at personalised number plate spotted in city centre. Size of some of these SUVs nowadays …

Kirk Session knew nothing

Dear Spurtle,

I was most surprised to read an article about Broughton St Mary's Parish Church in Issue 321 of the Spurtle under the "Briefly" column (p.2).

I wish to put the record straight. The Kirk Session of Broughton St Mary's was unaware that Galliford Try Telecoms had submitted a proposal to mount telecoms equipment to the outside of the steeple.

No such proposal was received by us. If it had been, it is my personal view that an objection would have been made against it.

It would appear that there has been a failure in the planning process with regard to communication with interested parties.

Thank you to the Spurtle for drawing it to my attention.

Ian Buckingham

(Session Clerk, Broughton St Mary's Parish Church)