Variations on the straight and narrow. No. 21 in an occasional photo series celebrating the street-name signs of Spurtleshire.
Variations on the straight and narrow. No. 21 in an occasional photo series celebrating the street-name signs of Spurtleshire.
The scenic route. No. 19 in an occasional photo series celebrating Spurtleshire street-name signs.
Signs of wear and tear. No. 18 in an occasional photo series celebrating Spurtleshire street-name signs.
After the mushrooms.
No. 17 in an occasional series celebrating Spurtleshire street-name signs.
The glamour. No. 16 in an occasional photo series celebrating Spurtleshire street-name signs.
Brutalist blushing.
No. 15 in an occasional photo series celebrating Spurtleshire street-name signs.
'We'll pay for it!' No. 14 in an occasional photo series celebrating Spurtleshire street-name signs.
Visit: https://scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/scotland-1/
'Was this your favourite wall?'
No. 13 in an occasional photo series celebrating Spurtleshire street-name signs.
No.12 in an occasional photo series celebrating Spurtleshire street-name signs.
Le Rouge et le Noir.
No. 11 in an occasional photo series celebrating the street-name signs of Spurtleshire.